Some of our favorites Playlist!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Jay-Z forgets Jesus, brings Beyonce on stage instead!

Despite rumors that Kanye West, Dr. Dre, Alicia Keys, and Jesus were going to show up to Jay-Z's Coachella set on Friday, only Beyonce came. That is pretty awesome, but I was really wondering how Dr. Dre and Jesus were going to get along.

Here is them singing everyone's 10th favorite Alphaville song, ya know, with some rap in there too:

Also, Jay-Z is going to be B to the etty, W to the hite's musical guest when they join forces to take the world by storm on Mother's Day eve, May 8th. It will mark the first time that both the musical guest and host are over 90 years old. Just kidding! Betty White is only 88.

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