Every now and then I hit a song that I insta-know I am going to love. Usually the songs I like take about 5 listens to solidify its goldeness, but this song was an easy 2! Now since this is my first post, i'd like to introduce myself a bit. I am not a lyrics guy as much as I am sounds (especially rhythms)! So if a song has amazing lyrics, I probably to get to that until my 12th listen through.
My first topic of the day is going to be about The XX: Islands
The xx - Islands by lunaseeds
I love songs that make me feel like I'm running through a forest, like I am lost and happy and nothing else matters kind of running. (my first realization of this feeling came from The Cure: Close to me (LP Version) The Cure - Close To Me by rebobine ). The key part for me in the XX is circa 54 seconds, the hook is hot, and I am a sucker for good hooks. I love how the drums knock out, beautiful girl singing (Romy Madley Croft) which is reminiscent to Postal Service guest star Jen Woods on "Nothing Better".
And because I can't resist one of my other latest favorites: O.N.E. by Yeasayer.
yeasayer by dwilliamsmorgan
Talk about a happy song! I get sucked in like 57 seconds in... the bass kicks the perfect amount... many fun electronic sounds entice me to bob my head involuntarily and let me just keep living the dream. Like I said, I'm not sure what the lyrics are, but it must be about living the dream in someway. Also check out Ambling Alp... one of Eric's favorite yeasongs.
and also I have to share this awesome acrobatics i just saw, really amazing!
i can't get me enough yeasayer or xx these days!! and love postal service 4 lifesies.